Wednesday, February 17

Numbers 14 - 15

The people do not like the prospect of facing formidable foes in Canaan.  They weep, mourn and plan to elect a leader who will take them back to Egypt.  While Moses and Aaron plead before God for the people, Joshua and Caleb (the two spies convinced that victory was possible) attempted to encourage the people with reminders of God's protection and faithfulness to show them favor.  Moses asks God to not slay the people for their unwillingness to obey; and God promises that those who refused to go where He lead would not enter the promised land.  Only Joshua and Caleb would survive among those who were over the age of 20.  For the next forty years, the nation would wander through an area that would have only taken several weeks to traverse in a straight line.  In the mean time, God continues laying out the laws and regulations that would govern His people.

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