Friday, February 19

Numbers 18 - 20

The privilege enjoyed by the Levites (working in the physical presence of God) brought extreme responsibilities as well.  They stood bearing the iniquity of the people before God, they ministered with a real sense of the cost and stench of sin.  They were responsible for making the sacrifices necessary for the appeasement of God's offended holiness.  They would be supported by the offerings of the people, but those offerings were first offered to God.  The procedure for atonement was laid out, providing a way to restore pure fellowship with an offended God.

As the journey continued, Miriam and Aaron died.  Moses kept leading a people that wanted to be selfishly served.  Due to his own sin, Moses was denied the blessing of entering the Promised Land.  Due to their reputation, other kingdoms would not extend favor to the wandering Hebrews.  Sin continued to exact a higher price than originally estimated.

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