Thursday, February 18

Numbers 16 - 17

Opposition continued to mount against God.  This time, the opposition was to the leadership God established in Moses and Aaron.  One of the priests, Korah, accused Moses of overstepping his authority; his argument was that if the entire nation was holy to God, why was Moses needed?  When Moses sought to address the accusation, these men refused to meet for reconciliation.  God demonstrated clearly that Moses and Aaron were His choices for leadership by allowing the earth to open up and destroy only those who were in opposition to His leadership.  Two hundred fifty men were killed that day!

One would think that the people would respond humbly to Moses' leadership and God's authority. They did not.  They accused Moses of "killing the people of the Lord." God immediately summoned Moses and Aaron for instruction, and told them to (my paraphrase) "step a little to the left ... a little more ... see, I don't want you harmed when I destroy these people."  Moses and Aaron immediately begin interceding for the preservation of God's people (the very people accusing him of murder and tyranny).  God destroyed 14,700 people before the plague was halted.  God takes His authority seriously; He will not share His glory with anyone!  He demonstrated quite clearly that Moses and Aaron were His representatives.  One would trust that the people had learned this valuable lesson.  Only time would tell.

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