Monday, January 21

Exodus 1 - 3

Jacob's descendants multiply in the land of Egypt, eventually making them too great a nation in the eyes of a Pharaoh not favorable to Joseph and his family. There follows a time of intense persecution; and yet the nation continues to grow. The male children are put under a death sentence, yet the nation continues to multiply. In the midst of this a son is born and hidden from the authorities. Eventually this child is discovered by the Pharaoh's daughter and taken into the royal household and given the name Moses.

Moses grows and eventually chooses to side with his people rather than his adoptive family. This choice forces him into exile where he marries and begins raising a family. But God has bigger plans for Moses. God calls and commissions him to lead the nation of Israel out of their slavery. Moses is to go to Pharaoh and demand the release of the Israelites. But what if the people are unwilling to follow Moses? He is to relate to them that "I AM " has commissioned him. Moses has received orders from the One Who always is; and the One Who always keeps His promises.

God has not forgotten His people!

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