Sunday, January 20

Genesis 49 - 50

Jacob is about to die. He calls his sons to his side and pronounces blessings upon them. Even in this, God's goodness is seen; God honors Jacob's blessings of his children and the blessings become prophetic. One of the greatest promises is to Judah: that the One who gives peace will come some day from his progeny.

After Jacob's death, the brothers fear Joseph's retaliation. But in one of the more ironic statements in Scripture, Joseph makes a bold proclamation: what the brothers had intended for evil (his being sold into slavery) God used for great good, in fact for the preservation of their family.

The book of Genesis ends with Joseph's death. The nation of Israel is now in Egypt and every visible means of deliverance is now dead. What would happen to the God-blessed nation of Isael?

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