Wednesday, January 16

Genesis 39 - 40

Joseph, having been sold into slavery by his brothers, is bought from the Ishmaelites and given a place in the home of Potiphar, an Egyptian official. God's presence with Joseph is quickly evident and Potiphar promotes him to chief of the household staff. But not everyone is pleased with Joseph; Potiphar's wife has seduction in mind and tries to establish an illicit affair. Joseph, stating his principles, refuses; but this does not stop Mrs. Potiphar from accusing Joseph of attempted rape. Joseph is thrown in prison.

Even there, Joseph flourishes. Soon, the prison's daily affairs are being conducted under his watchful eye. Two high-profile prisoners are incarcerated: the Pharaoh's baker and cupbearer. These men dream interesting dreams that Joseph interprets to mean that they will be restored (cupbearer) and executed (baker). The only thing Joseph asks is that they bring his case of wrongful imprisonment to Pharaoh. The events unfold exactly as Joseph says they will and yet, the cupbearer forgets to fulfill his promise.

Do you see God's hand of blessing and goodness in this? Even in difficult and unpleasant circumstances, God had not abandoned Joseph; and he was not ready to abandon God either. God is trustworthy! Rely on Him today.

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