Thursday, January 3

Genesis 7 -9

Noah and his family entered the ark he had built at God's command. All the animals were brought to him to take as well. It is incredible to think of all that took place in the space of one week from the time God said "Get in the boat" and the flood rains began.

And the rain came. The highest mountains were covered to a depth of roughly 22 feet - that's a lot of water! And the Bible says it quite plainly "everything on land died". After the waters receded, Noah, his sons and their wives comprised the entire global population.

Even in a global tragedy, God is good. He prepared for Noah's deliverance, even though He was not obligated to do so. Noah invited all who would to enter with him; but none were willing. Anyone could have taken advantage of God's provision, but none were forced to. Eight souls were willing to obey and were preserved.

But even a global tragedy did not eliminate sin. Soon after the flood, Noah is found passed out in a drunken stupor and one of his sons takes the opportunity to mock him for it. Sadly, even when God grabs our attention in a big way, we too soon drift back into our own ways and forsake His design for life.

Today, thank God for preparing deliverance out of every tragedy. Don't believe it? Look for the rainbow next time it rains - it's God's promise to never again destroy the earth with a flood.

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