Tuesday, January 8

Genesis 20 - 22

Tests, tests, tests. Abraham faces his share in these chapters. He hadn't learned the lessons of honesty previously and once again finds himself on the verge of causing an international scene by trying to pass his wife as his sister to avoid problems with a national leader. Isaac is born, just as God said he would be, Ishmael and his mother are dismissed yet cared for by God, Abraham forms a treaty with Abimelech (the leader he just tried to cause a scene with regarding his wife), and is tested by being asked to sacrifice his son - the newly born heir to his family fortune. What a group of tests!

Yet, in all these, God proves Himself to be more than capable of providing what is needed for each situation. He provides safety and security for Sarah, a son for Abraham, protection and provision for Ishmael and Hagar, blessing for Abraham and Abimelech, and a ram for Abraham's sacrifice. What a God of provision!

p.s. Sorry for the late posting. The Internet connection was lost at the office today. But still God provides. Tomorrow we install a wireless router that will allow for greater productivity and greater range of access. God is good.

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