Friday, January 25

Exodus 12 - 13

Just as God promised through the words of Moses, the firstborn of all who had not marked their doors in the manner prescribed by God were killed. Not a single household was unaffected. This action made the Jews so distasteful to the Egyptians that they were begged to leave "lest all should die." Thus, the Jews gladly departed Egypt and the Egyptians gladly let them leave.

Even in this time, God reminds His people of the special place they hold. Instructions are given about how to remember God's actions at this time and to use those reminders as times of instruction about the God they serve. From this time, all firstborn males of the livestock were to be sacrificed; firstborn sons were to be redeemed - all a sign of what God had done in delivering His people with a mighty hand and outstretched arm.

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